The Raymond Andrews Prize for Creative Writing was launched in the 2019-2020 academic year. It is a competition for high school students in Morgan County. Entries are read blind by a reader pool of community members, educators and graduate students. That pool of readers chooses finalists, which are passed along to a celebrity guest judge. The guest judge selects placement from the group of finalists.
Guest Judge – Anthony Grooms
Anthony Grooms is the author of Bombingham, Trouble No More, and most recently, The Vain Conversation. He is a two-time winner of The Lillian Smith Prize for Fiction. The Georgia Center for the Book has named Trouble No More as one of the “Top 25 Books All Georgians Should Read” and Bombingham received a Kirkus starred review. Grooms lives in Atlanta and teaches writing at Kennesaw State University.

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Miss Elzata Brown
Union Springs Baptist Church
Jim Boyd & Associates Inc.
W.H.& Barbara Ashburn
Willie J. Williams
Tommie F. Farmer
Robert & Anne Trulock
Michael & Cynthia Conrad
Steven & Cathy Whitcomb
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156 Academy Street
Madison, GA 30650
Museum Hours
Tuesday – Friday: 10:00AM – 4:00PM
1st & 3rd Saturday: 12:00 noon – 4:00PM
Closed on Sundays and Holidays
$5 Adults; $3 Children